The RE-ASSIGN (REcycling plAStics deSIGN) project aims to support companies in the Interreg zone France-Wallonia-Flanders in their transition to a circular economy by developing plastic products incorporating recycled materials from post-consumer or pre-consumer streams. Building on previous developments and knowledge of application markets, the project will conduct applied research on pre-treatment technologies, sampling methods and the implementation of different recycling techniques.
To ensure recycled materials are of sufficient quality to be incorporated into industrial plastic formulations, pre-treatment technologies (shredding, screening, densimetric or magnetic separation, pelletisation) adapted to the deposits and expected performance will be considered. In addition, the project is developing sampling methods to assess the pretreatment required. This will allow incoming streams to be characterised as completely as possible, quickly and at lower cost, taking into account the desired final properties and functionalities. Regarding recycling techniques, the project investigates mechanical, chemical and physicochemical recycling.
In addition to optimising recycling processes, the RE-ASSIGN project will focus on developing formulations incorporating recycled materials, with the aim of validating their suitability for processing, the quality of the products produced, their recyclability and the maximum degree of integration of recycled materials acceptable to achieve the intended quality.
The development of advanced methods for characterising recycled plastics will help address the critical issues of legacy additives, substances of concern, degradation products and the presence of NIAS (Not Intenionally Added Substances).
Project manager
Project partners
- Centexbel-VKC
- IMT Nord Europe
- Crépim
Total project cost: € 2.924.982
- EU funding: € 1.430.989
- Other: €1.169.993
- EU funding – share Flemish partners: € 324.000