May 28, 2020: Launch of FTalliance, a 3-year academia-industries partnership aimed to facilitate the exchange, flow of knowledge and co-creation within the Fashion-Tech sector to boost students’ employability and innovation potential.

CEN and CENELEC affirm their belief that European standardization can and should represent a reliable solution to counter the unexpected fragmentation of the Single Market, which appears to be one of the main economic effects of the ongoing crisis.

Coexpair patented an invention to transport large pre-shaped woven fabrics for composite parts without damage

The CPSC ( CONSUMER PRODUCT SAFETY COMMISSION) accreditation of Centexbel has been renewed. The transition to ISO 17025: 2017 has been included.

Vetex filed a patent for (the production process of) a reinforced, durable, yet more comfortable clothing label, resistant to many washing cycles.

Face à la pénurie de masques que connait notre pays et pour soulager à terme le personnel soignant en première ligne face au coronavirus, le Gouvernement de Wallonie a mis en place une taskforce destinée à trouver une solution rapide et locale en vue de fournir des masques au plus grand nombre.

It came to our attention that falsified test reports on face masks are being distributed! When in doubt contact us immediately to verify the authenticity of the report in question.

In a common effort to face the coronavirus pandemic, the Commission, CEN and CENELEC have agreed to make a number of harmonized standards for important medical protective equipment like face masks and single-use gloves freely available to those companies that are willing to start producing these items.

Euratex a créé une plateforme pour coordonner et faciliter la production de masques buccaux.