VKC, a division of Centexbel, is a knowledge centre supporting the plastic converting industry in the largest sense of the word. VKC has the necessary expertise in plastic products, materials, processing and recycling. Companies or industrial groups with a social seat in the EEA (European Economic Area) may affiliate to VKC against payment of an annual membership fee.

The affiliation to VKC has the advantage that you may appeal to the many services in testing, research and consultancy of the technology centre against a favourable price. In addition you will have access to very specific services of external experts, with whom we collaborate, for example in the field of rubbers and adhesive technologies. The analytic laboratory is largely expanded with many new appliances allowing us to perform almost all tests in plastic characterisation (physical, chemical and burning behaviour) and plastic processing (compounding, rheology…) in-house.

Our prices for the different analyses are competitive.

VKC is also accredited in the framework of the kmo-portefeuille in the field of training, consultancy and technology explorations, allowing sme’s to receive grants when buying our services in these fields.

VKC members automatically have access to the vast and complementary services in the field of R&D, analyses, consultancy, certification and training offered by Centexbel.


  • reduction of 10% on testing and consulting
  • free electronic newsletter
  • you are involved in the Centexbel-VKC standardisation activities
  • participation in research projects against favourable conditions
  • favourable member rates for participation in seminars and events

Annual membership fees

  • for company with less than 50 employees: € 500
  • for company with more than 50 employees: € 1250

We are convinced that the broad package of membership benefices will result in a quick return on investment.

Membership application form