The importance of circular economy and sustainability has grown enormously in Europe in recent years. The whole life cycle of a product is followed, right through to the reuse of the product, its components or the materials used. Polymer recycling plays an important role here.
Companies from different industrial sectors form the "plastics chain" in Europe. They have complementary product or process knowledge that can also be shared under certain conditions. Most companies are linked in one way or another, as suppliers of raw materials, service providers, producers or customers.
The development of circular economy standards is recent and involves both a general approach and the development of regional and product-specific standards, which will support the certification of circular and sustainable production and products.
The standards cell "Circular economy and durability" is at the service of all companies having a direct interest in developments in the field of recycled polymers.
Applicable standards
ISO/DIS 59004
Circular Economy – Terminology, Principles and Guidance for Implementation
This document defines key terminology, establishes circular economy principles, and provides guidance for its implementation by using a framework and areas of action. It is intended to be used by organizations seeking to understand and commit to a circular economy while contributing to sustainable development. These organizations can be either private or public, acting individually or collectively, regardless of type or size, and located in any jurisdiction, or position within a specific value chain or value network.
ISO 15270:2008
Plastics — Guidelines for the recovery and recycling of plastics waste
ISO 15270:2008 provides guidance for the development of standards and specifications covering plastics waste recovery, including recycling. The standard establishes the different options for the recovery of plastics waste arising from pre-consumer and post-consumer sources. It also establishes the quality requirements that should be considered in all steps of the recovery process, and provides general recommendations for inclusion in material standards, test standards and product specifications. Consequently, the process stages, requirements, recommendations and terminology presented in the standard are intended to be of general applicability.
ISO 14021:2016
Environmental labels and declarations — Self-declared environmental claims (Type II environmental labelling)
This International Standard specifies requirements for self-declared environmental claims, including statements, symbols and graphics, regarding products. It further describes selected terms commonly used in environmental claims and gives qualifications for their use. This International Standard also describes a general evaluation and verification methodology for self-declared environmental claims and specific evaluation and verification methods for the selected claims in this International Standard.
ISO/CD 59014
Secondary materials — Principles, sustainability and traceability requirements
Under development - ISO 59014 addresses sustainability criteria in secondary resources management in developing and emerging economies.