The use of carbon fiber (CF) based composites is of growing importance in many industrial applications with the current global market estimated at $28Bn. However, the current high cost, limited production capability in Europe and the use of petroleum-based polyacrylonitrile (PAN) as the precursor fiber (PF) from which the CF is ultimately derived, requires the development of innovative routes to industrial production.
To achieve this, novel processes are needed which can utilise sustainable precursor materials to produce CF of adequate quality, reduce energy consumption during manufacture and make CF widely available and affordable across a range of different European industrial sectors.
The LIBRE project will utilise lignin-rich side stream feedstock from the pulp and paper industry, blended with a biopolymer precursor fibre, to create a more resource-efficient and sustainable carbon fibre production process.
The ultimate aim of the LIBRE project is to create carbon fibre materials with a superior structure that will open up potential new markets.
The project is supported by the European Union in the Call H2020-EU.3.2.6. - Bio-based Industries Joint Technology Initiative (BBI-JTI) under project number: 720707