European regulations set strict targets on reuse, recycling rates and the use of recycled materials in packaging. With the Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR), for example, our West Flanders companies face new challenges.

The R3PACK project will demonstrate solutions in terms of design, choice of materials, reuse and recycling techniques of non-domestic packaging.

When developing new products, it is crucial to always consider sustainable packaging needs from the start.
Katrijn Sabbe, Design Coach & Materialization Expert Howest - project promoter R3PACK


  • Demonstrating local case studies for packaging solutions both for primary, secondary, tertiary and service packaging within the 'Community New Materials' ecosystem.
  • Building out the following infrastructure:
    • Circular Solution Lab: building infrastructure & equipment for product design
    • Pilot line for advanced washing processes for high-performance recycling
    • Characterisation and processing infrastructure for new product design.

Role and project partners

Within the project, we are responsible for expanding the New Materials community. Together we are building a sustainable future for the textile and plastics processing industry in West Flanders. By intelligently joining forces and sharing knowledge between companies and experts, we are achieving results that are Spectacularly Circular.

  • Howest – Industrial Design Center (promotor)
  • UGent – Laboratory for Circular Process Engineering
  • Centexbel
  • POM West-Vlaanderen | Fabrieken voor de Toekomst

Project partners

Supported by

This project is part of the GTI West Flanders and receives support from ERDF Flanders and Fonds Innoveren en Ondernemen. The total project cost is €1,616,000, of which €646,400 is European support from ERDF, €249,093.75 from the Fund for Innovation & Entrepreneurship, and €140,625 provincial funds from Province of West Flanders.