This pre-standard study aims at developing a test method to determine the protection level to certain mechanical risks of hand-held, motor-operated (garden and other) tools, offered by specific textile materials (woven, knitted, and non-woven fabrics).  The test methods shall be such that they will yield clear and unambiguous results in order to establish a qualification according to the level of protection. If possible, we will develop test methods that will give an overview of one - preferably more - types of protection.

The results will be discussed and validated together with Belgian companies and through the European Committee for Standardization CEN / TC162.

Today there are no specific test methods to evaluate the adequacy of textile materials to the mechanical risks against which they are supposed to protect. The only standard that is slightly covering this field is the one on protective clothing against chainsaws. 

However, it is obvious that this standard is inappropriate in the case of bush cutters or grinders. Park and Garden department workers are now obliged to wear heavy garments while handling bush cutters or hedge trimmers. Knowing that these operations usually take place in summer, these garments are very uncomfortable and perhaps not even strictly necessary.

This pre-standard study will clarify this aspect and provide garment solutions that are better suited to the purpose.