
capillar rheology meter

Capillary rheology meter

Rheology is the branch of science that deals with the flow of matter, mainly liquids and in some cases solids and soft solids as well. This branch generally takes into account the conditions under which these elements of matter flow freely without any kind of hindrance or obstruction. Rheology is a widely accepted and recognized branch of study which is applicable to liquids and substances such as polymers, suspension liquids among others which have a complicated structure.

Testing procedure

The test material is placed in a heated cylinder. The melt is compressed by a plunger and rammed through a standardised die with well-defined length and diameter. The pressure is measured at different speeds in order to determine different shear rates, thus providing a complete viscosity plot.

Testing applications

  • Viscosity plot for computer simulations
  • Determination of the flow while processing
  • Determination of possible degradation

Send your samples to

Etienne Sabbelaan 49
8500 Kortrijk
+32 56 29 27 00