Test method "EN ISO 11925-2, Reaction to fire tests - Ignitability of building products subjected to direct impingement of flame - Part 2: Single-flame source test" is required as part of the European construction products regulation classification of reaction to fire performance for floorcoverings.
The test method measures the ignitability of building products when exposed to a small flame.
Testing procedure
The test takes place inside a test chamber where the test specimen is mounted vertically. The test specimen is subjected to edge and/or surface exposure from a gas flame. During the test, time of ignition, burning droplets and whether the flames reach the top marking of the test specimen within a prescribed time period, is registered.
Test samples
The test specimen are cut from a sample which is representative of the product to be tested
The dimensions of the test specimens shall be 250 mm long by 90 mm wide.
Specimens normally having a thickness of 60 mm or less shall be tested using their full thickness. Specimens normally having a thickness greater than 60 mm shall be reduced to a thickness of 60 mm by cutting away the unexposed surface. If it is necessary to reduce the specimen size in this manner, the cut surface shall not be exposed to the flame.
For products which are normally manufactured in sizes less than the test specimen, a test sample of appropriate size shall be specifically produced for the test.
Number of specimen
For each exposure condition, a minimum of six representative specimens of the product shall be tested. Three specimens shall be cut lengthwise and three crosswise.
Test results
The position of flame application is recorded.
For each of the test specimens, the following is recorded:
- whether ignition occurs;
- whether the flame tip reaches 150 mm above the flame application point, and the time at which this occurs;
- presence of flaming droplets/particles which cause ignition of the filter paper;
- observations of physical behaviour of the test specimen.
Send your samples to
Centexbel - Carpet Lab
Technologiepark 70
9052 Gent-Zwijnaarde
+32 9 220 41 51