Circular Textile Days is a business event that offers a great opportunity for meeting new partners in the sustainable textile business and for discovering and discussing innovative circular textile solutions.

A broad selection of companies and institutes show their new sustainable, circular solutions. The entire textile-chain is present, from recycled yarn to eco-design garments, reusing materials and high-tech recycling. Visitors are expected from various textile industry segments, from B2B end-users to fashion brands, retailers, educators and students.

A speaker line-up with interesting and representative people who are informative and inspirational strengthen the mission of circular textile.

Circular Textile Days aims to be the future platform for talks, discussions, presentations and sharing innovative ideas.

Go to the Circular Textile Days website

Centexbel will be represented by our consultants, Edwin Maes and Philippe Colignon, our EU projects manager Guy Buyle, and our researchers Birgit Stubbe, Willem Uyttendaele, Ana Monteiro and Rémi Tilkin.

18/09 - From fibre to standard framework

13.00 - 14.30
With: Centexbel, Euratex, Fedustria, Stichting UPV

Shaping the future of circular textile laws and legislations

The textile industry is on the brink of profound change. Euratex has identified no fewer than 16 legislative initiatives affecting textiles and the circular economy. Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) is a crucial part of these. Now is the time to find out which legislative initiatives are coming, how standardization plays a role and how these changes affect textile-related EPR schemes across Europe. We bring you the insights right from the source: Mauro from Euratex will share information on current and future regulations.
We will outline the Dutch system for EPR, while a representative from Refashion will highlight the French approach. These sessions will expose the differences and similarities, giving you a clear picture of how different countries tackle these challenges.
We will dive deep into the European playing field, with a focus on compliance and harmonization. How can EU countries set up PROs in the most harmonized way possible based on the WFD/EPR? This is a question that concerns us all, and to which we will find answers together.

This event is a must-attend opportunity for anyone involved in the textile industry. It is a platform for knowledge sharing, inspiration and collaboration. This is your chance to deepen your knowledge and prepare for the changes ahead.


RegioGreenTex HUB


RegioGreenTex is a project promoting the collaboration in research and development for the textile industry between the four major sectors of society - industry, government, research institutes, and the public  - in establishing a systematic circular economy business model across the EU.

Digital Product Pasport (DPP)

12.10 - 13.05
With: Edwin Maes - Centexbel and Nelly Gayle - GS1, Moderated & Q&A

In 2024, the EU will implement new legislation requiring nearly all products sold in the union to have a digital product passport (DPP) in place. The goal? To improve the transparency of product's value chains.