September 2020, CEN established the technical committee CEN TC466 “Circularity and recyclability of fishing gear and aquaculture equipment”.
Scope of CEN TC466:
Standardization in the field of circularity and recyclability of plastic based materials in fishing gear and aquaculture equipment. Excluded is standardization work concerning fish processing, fish packaging, fish food products and general work on materials and equipment covered by other CEN/TCs.
CEN TC466 is now in the process of establishing its work program, which is currently under approval, and has launched a call for experts to work on the 7 parts of a standard for the “Circular design of fishing gear (CDFG):
- WG 1: Technical requirements of CDFG – proposed convenor Mr David Feary (BSI - UK)
Part 3. Technical requirements of CDFG - WG 2: Environmental and circular requirements for fishing gear and aquaculture equipment – proposed convenor Ms Karin Eufinger (NBN - Belgium)
Part 4. Environmental requirements of CDFG
Part 5. Circularity requirements of CDFG
Part 6. Circular business models for fishing gear and aquaculture equipment - WG 3: Guidance on implementing – proposed convenor Mr Zoltan Patkai (NEN - Netherlands)
Part 1. General aspects for the circular design of fishing gear (CDFG)
Part 2. Principles and user manual of CDFG
Part 7. Digitalization of gear and components
The first meetings of the working groups will be held November 30 (WG2), December 1 (WG1) and December 3 (WG3). Due to limitations on travel and live meeting attendance, the meetings will be held online (duration ca. 3h).
Centexbel - Sector Operator for the NBN (Belgium) - manages the Belgian mirror committee of this new TC.
If you are interested in joining the workgroup, please contact Karin Eufinger for more information and to register as expert in one or more working groups.