Circular economy

R&D manager Coating & Finishing Technologies

This month we focus on the innovative techniques of hotmelt and extrusion coating for textiles.

Advancing Sustainable Textiles in the Circular Economy through Innovative Extended Producer Responsibility Schemes

CIRC-PVC proposes to develop a technology based on dissolution and extraction, on a prototype scale, as well as a new sorting technology to help separate PVC waste according to its nature. The end product will be R-PVC (recycled PVC, end of waste status).

The objective of the SeaBioMat project is to assist companies engaged in the maritime industry in their transition from oil-based products to those derived from biological sources and/or biodegradable materials, thereby reducing their environmental and climatic impact. The objective is to develop materials, assess their properties and analyse their durability and environmental impact.

In line with the European Green Deal, CIRCOPLAST aims to develop methods to remove brominated flame retardants from various plastics to facilitate recycling of the polymers. These materials come from construction/demolition sites and electronic waste for which no recycling route has yet been established. The overall objective is therefore to support companies in their transition to a circular economy.

Bio-Based alternatives for an effective transition to sustainable, reusable and recyclable construction products

AntiRési aims to develop innovative solutions to combat antibiotic resistance

Development of a sustainable alternative to traditional wind turbine blades

In line with the European Green Pact, the RE-ASSIGN (REcycling plAStics deSIGN) cross-border project aims to support companies in the France-Wallonia-Vlaanderen Interreg zone in their transition to a circular economy through the development of plastic products incorporating recycled materials (Design from recycling) from post-consumer or pre-consumer flows.