Product Certifier OEKO-TEX®

As recycling is key in the transition to a circular economy, Centexbel expands its lab equipment to characterize recyclates or to assess the recyclability of materials.

This pre-standard study aims at developing an analytic test method to determine perfluorinated compounds including the required extraction and purification methods.

CPSC - U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission logo

Centexbel's accreditation by the US CPSC has been renewed and will be valid until 2020. The United States Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC or Commission) is an independent agency of the United States government. The CPSC seeks to promote the safety of consumer products by addressing “unreasonable risks” of injury (through coordinating recalls, evaluating products that are the subject of consumer complaints or industry reports, etc.); developing uniform safety standards (some mandatory, some through a voluntary standards process); and conducting research into product-related illness and

As of 1 April 2018, all textiles made of organic cotton or with organic cotton parts are tested for genetically modified organisms (GMO) within the scope of product certification as per STANDARD 100 by OEKO-TEX®.

After the usual transition period of three months, the new regulations for all OEKO-TEX® services, published at the beginning of this year became in effect on April 1st, 2018.

Een Europees onderzoek in 27 landen detecteerde honderden producten met verboden hoeveelheden chemische stoffen. Van de ruim 5.600 onderzochte artikelen overschreed een vijfde de toegelaten dosis [...]

[...] Onderzoekers screenden onder meer textiel, speelgoed en accessoires uit 27 landen op