Centexbel is one of the research partners in the European "Eureka" SmartPPE project, uniting academic and research institutions, and industrial companies to develop a reusable, ventilated and integreated protective suit for healthcare workers fighting infectious diseases such as ebola around the world.


In contrast to most of the equipment used during the 2013-2016 Ebola outbreak in West Africa, the aim of the project is to design a reusable solution to reduce transport and storage costs as well as the amount of infectious waste to be disposed of.


The suit is a single-piece garment, integrating full-body, head and face protection to provide a more efficient protection and simplify dressing and undressing procedures.


The use and maintenance of ventilation systems is a challenge in tropical and remote rural areas and needs to be very robust, requiring no maintenance, and powerful enough to keep healthcare workers at a comfortable temperature even during their most tiring duties.

Project website

smart PPE

A larger visor contributes to a better contact between healthcare worker and patient