
U wilt nieuwe duurzame producten en diensten ontwikkelen, hun milieuprestaties verbeteren, samenwerkingen aangaan, expertise aanboren en u laten inspireren door de ervaringen van professionals? Afspraak op 8 oktober!

Researching alternative, non-toxic elements for the synthesis of polyurethane. Fully renewable resources, such as residues from sugar refineries and the production of biofuel, natural oils and fats, are used to develop biobased polyurethane.

toys brochure 2021

Because toys are essential in the development of children, it is all the more important that they are safe. This brochure informs you about Centexbel's testing and services in the field of toy safety.

Toy Safety in the EU

Toys contribute to child development and play is an essential part of

Vertical green walls offer many advantages, although there are still many uncertainties about them.

The aim of this Cornet project is to develop non-toxic, durable and biobased FR coatings and finishes.

The development of solvent and isocyanate-free biobased PU for textile coating will help EU companies to make the transiton to an ecofriendly and sustainable industry and give them a competitive headstart in the international market.

The LIFE RECYSITE project aims to demonstrate recyclability and reuse of a new generation of high performance fibre-reinforced thermoset composites from renewable resources (bio-waste)


With the new sIRoPAD, Centexbel-VKC is now able to perform Near Infrared measurements to assess the composition of plastic samples directly from production or recycling.
This apparatus is suited for all non-black plastic flakes, granules or pellets up to ca. 100 grams per sample. The maximum measuring time is less than 15 minutes!

Consultant environment and toxicology
Consultant environmental issues