
FIBFAB will improve the performance of PLA based fibres (there are no commercial PLA grades with enough thermal and mechanical resistance with a competitive price to be used in textile applications) by adapting its processability and functionality, maintaining biodegradability properties, to reach the same process speed as the current materials (PES).

The LIBRE project will utilise lignin-rich side stream feedstock from the pulp and paper industry, blended with a biopolymer precursor fibre, to create a more resource-efficient and sustainable carbon fibre production process.

The development of new antimicrobial treatments is an area of continuing research. This entry takes a bird’s eye view on advances and focuses, in particular, on trends toward solvent-free chemistry by plasma-assisted coating deposition methods. General principles of antimicrobial and antifouling

RETEX is een ambitieus Euregionaal partnership, gefinancierd via Interreg France-Wallonie-Vlaanderen, dat de grenzen van textiel overstijgt: elke gebruikte vezel biedt ontelbaar vele nieuwe toepassingsmogelijkheden en markten.

BIOHARV heeft tot doel om in de regio de noodzakelijke kennis en expertise te ontwikkelen om 100% polymere MER prototypes te produceren en te karakteriseren. Het project zal de plaatselijke textiel- en kunststofverwerkende industrie begeleiden bij het implementeren van deze technologie.